
David Wood is Chief Quantitative Strategist and a member of the investment committee at Brooklyn Investment Group (BKLN). At Brooklyn, he is responsible for the conception, implementation, and enhancement of quantitative strategies and risk analytics for the full range of investment services, including portfolio construction model, risk modeling, portfolio optimization and valuation analytics. He oversees day-to-day systematic investment management processes and manages the portfolio management team. Before joining Brooklyn in 2022, David held the position of Head of Quantitative Strategies… more


Chief Quant Strategist, Brooklyn Investment Group (2022–)
Head of Quant Strategies, Hum Capital (2020–22)
Quant Researcher, Credit Suisse (2018–20)


Ph.D. in Financial Econometrics, The University of Chicago
M.B.A. in Finance, The University of Chicago
A.B. in Economics, The University of Chicago


dwood AT uchicago.edu
@d- in/d-- @dswood


Birthday problem: primary key collision probability python probability
Implementing domain-driven design domain-driven-design
Transformer circuits: recent advances in deep learning attention transformer
Zoo keeping: dynamic assembling based on subclass attributes pattern python
Go getters: a monadic way functional python
Take a walk on the functional side: yes, we need monads functional haskell
Working with distributed workers scalability python
Cooperative concurrency with FastAPI: it's the generators, stupid scalability python
Wrapping around wrappers: a primer on Python decorators python
Simple SSL-based encryption fintech


  1. MTS for R—All-Purpose Toolkit for Multivariate Time Series (with Ruey Tsay and contributions from Jon Lachmann and Renze Dijkhuizen, 2022)
  2. Essays on Implied Spherical Space Forms in Statistics and Econometrics (2018)